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Curious? Our Deck Specialists are just a call away.
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Your Questions,

What's included in my purchase?

All lumber parts


Drill bit

Deck blocks

The only additional item you need is a residential power drill for securing the screws​ 

Are special tools needed to assemble my deck?

No need to break a sweat here! All the prep work is done for you. The only tool required is a standard power tool for the screws (corded or uncorded), and we even include the proper screw bit in the package.

Can I elevate the deck?

Absolutely! Your deck kit will arrive ready for ground-level installation. If you'd like your deck elevated, you can choose your own footings, such as using longer posts on your deck blocks, sono tubes or helical piles. Once the footings are in place, simply assemble your deck kit.

Does the Deck Kit Come with a Warranty?

Yes, indeed! We stand by the quality of our product and offer a generous 5-year warranty on all our decks.